
In Utero Insemination

What is insemination?

It is a minimal invasive method of assisted reproduction.

Firstly, the sperm are "washed" and special liquids are used to increase the sperm motility and concentration. The sperm is placed in a very thin plastic tube which is put through the vagina into the uterus.

This procedure occurs on the ovulation day in order the sperm reach the ovum in the fallopian tubes and the pregnancy begins to progress!

Insemination can be performed in a woman’s natural cycle (on the day of ovulation) or after an ovulation medication given.


When is insemination used?

  • Spermiogram results indicate mild male infertility (low sperm count, poor sperm motility and morphology)
  • Sperm donation is needed (azoospermia)
  • Localized (in the vagina) allergy to semen. It is really rare and it occurs when women are allergic to the proteins in their partner's sperm
  • Unexplained infertility presence


What are the steps for a successful artificial insemination?

  • Proper investigation and finding of the root causes of infertility. It is usually the main factor that affects the successful conception rates on assisted reproductive techniques
  • Proper fallopian tubes function. It is essential to be sure about the patency of the fallopian tubes
  • Proper couples preparation before trying to conceive
  • Personalized treatment


Advantages of insemination

  • You avoid IVF medication
  • The cost is really low
  • The procedure is short and painless
  • The oocyte selection and the fertilization occur naturally



The treatments of infertility should be personalized. There are couples who cannot achieve pregnancy through IVF but they do achieve it through in utero insemination (IUI) or the reverse.

The choice of infertility treatments depends on a proper infertility investigation and personalized planning in order to have as priorities the woman’s safety and the highest possible success rate.


How could I decide which option is better for me?

Consult Dr. Marinakis. If you fulfil the above criteria, you are candidate for a high success artificial insemination.

Begin with a targeted investigation of infertility causes. The solution to the problem lies within the proper investigation and finding the root causes of infertility. If you are ready to learn more about assisted reproductive technology (ART), you might have been in the wrong place!


He served for two years as a lecturer in the Research Programme 'OVARIAN AGEING AND FERTILITY' of IMPERIAL COLLEGE, LONDON and (co-) authored international scientific publications and gave international conferences presentations in the field of reproductive medicine and assisted reproduction.


Our goal is to solve the root causes of infertility in order to have a greater chance of achieving a natural conception. Only in case fertilisation does not take place naturally we advise on going to IVF, so as to avoid IVF as a “one-way street” without reason.


Fertility days calculation

Latest period start:
Period cycle: days.