Fibroids are benign muscles growths of the uterus (womb) and they usually develop during reproductive age of women.
Fibroids can aso be found in the cervix, and in the ovaries. They contain tissue cells similar with uterus tissue.
They do not increase cancer risk and they rarely turn into malignancy.
The fibroid sizes vary from a size of pea to a greater size over than 10 centimeters.
More than 80% of women affected from fibroids.
- Heavy periods
- Pain or pressure lower in the abdomen
- Frequent urination or difficulty urinating
- Constipation
- Pain in lower back
Many women never know that they have fibroids due to the fact that in many cases there are no symptoms.
The fibroids located in the lining of the womb (endometrium) or attached to its inner wall distort the endometrial cavity and, as a result, they may cause fertility problems. This type of fibroids called submucosal and they should be removed because they interfere with embryo implantation.
Where are the Fibroids located?
- Within the uterine wall
- Into the uterine cavity (submucosal)
- On the outer uterine wall (subserosal)
How fast can fibroids grow?
Fibroid growth rates can vary greatly. They can develop rapidly or slowly or they can stay the same. Usually, fibroids shrink after menopause.
How is the diagnosis of fibroids made?
The diagnosis is made by:
- Transvaginal ultrasound
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
When is fibroid resection necessary?
- If you have lower abdominal pain that does not go away
- If you have heavy, prolonged or painful menstrual periods
- If you have difficulty urinating
- If fibroids are associated with infertility
- If fibroids grow rapidly
How is hysteroscopic resection of fibroids performed?
Fibroids located in the lining of the womb (endometrium) are removed hysteroscopically, while these ones developed within or on the outer uterine wall are removed laparoscopically.
What should I do?